The Melted Bomb Pop
1 part Stolichnaya Wild Cherri Vodka
2 parts UV Blue, Raspberry Flavored Vodka
Popsicle stick
Start by ensuring that all items have been chilled for at least 24 hours. (I keep my vodkas in the freezer, and my mixers in the fridge). Once chilled thoroughly, put a generous splash of Rose's Grenadine Syrup into a champagne flute, or similarly shaped glass. Add 1 part (1 oz for a single cocktail) Stoli Wild Cherri vodka, and let settle. Once settled, slowly add 1 1/2 parts UV Blue vodka, pouring over the back of a spoon to layer the liquor; let settle. Once settled, slowly pour 3 parts of your sparkling lemonade over the back of a spoon to layer; let settle. At this point, your lemonade should have fallen to the middle of the glass, separating the red and blue. Once stable, slowly add the extra 1/2 part of UV Blue to the top, using the spoon method to layer, to ensure you have a strong blue finish to your beverage. Garnish with a plain popsicle stick if you have one handy. Enjoy!!
**Note: If the 'melted' aspect of the cocktail doesn't have you super excited, you can also whip this up as a frozen 'Deconstructed Bomb Pop', if you will, by adding shaved ice with each layer. If you give this method a try, be sure that you layer your ice with each layer of the drink so you maintain the color separation.
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