"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have". - Frederick Koenig

Sunday, December 25, 2011

ABSOLUT Folly - Holiday Series - (cheat) Absolut Holiday S'mores Delight

So have you liked what the Absolut Secret Santa has been throwing your way?  The holidays have been filled with lots of new recipes and chocolate seems to be where it is at this Christmas.  What is great about making vodka cocktails with chocolate liqueurs is that they are chocolatey and refreshing without hitting you over the head with sweet!  I know we have indulged in caramels and truffles and cakes and pies and .... (let the belt out) ... puddings and mousses and ... (let the belt out more) ... Hershey's kisses!

So I cheated with this one.  I had to do it!  I went to the ABC store in Virginia and discovered quite a few new vodkas out on the market.  Smirnoff just released a Fluffy Marshmallow and a Whipped Cream (à la Pinacle Whipped Cream) so I had to try it.  It tasted like a S'mores Delight so I knew that I had to share it with you.  Such a great surprise .. and when you taste it ... it will make you say POW-WOW!  You might even bark ... but then that would be, BOW-WOW.  So scratch that.  It's simple and easy .. so try it!

S'mores Delight
Fill a wine glass with ice
Fill half the glass with Smirnoff Fluffy Marshmallow vodka
2 splashes of Crème de Cacao liqueur
Finish it off with Perrier or Club Soda
Mix and ... WOW!

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